I'm a 2024 Computer Science graduate from Fredonia University, NY. I specialize in software development and machine learning.
Feel free to contact me for inquiries or collaborations.
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Here's a select few projects that I have worked on. Click on one to be taken to its respective webpage. Some of them have online demos!
Towards a Deep Learning based Code Scoring
Technique using Tokenization
This is a research paper conducted at Fredonia University covering a novel technique to rank code against other pieces of code based on quality metrics using deep learning and natural language processing approaches. This research was self-directed, providing me with valuable experience in designing machine learning models and developing comprehensive test cases.
This project utilized Jupyter Notebook, Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
MNJER (Mcall's Not Just ESRGAN Runner)
This one has an interactive demo!
A browser-based platform for executing image enhancement ML models locally, optimized for flexibility across devices—supporting lightweight models on mobile and high-performance models on desktops.
This project utilized the ONNX framework, Apache, and Javascript.
Online Shipping Management Portal.
This one has an interactive demo!
Initially developed for a database class at Fredonia, this project was expanded into a comprehensive shipment management system. for the fictional "UNSPS" organization, that needed a comprehensive package entry, assignment, and public tracking system.
This project utilized Python, MySQL, Flet, and AWS for hosting.
Taskplay Updated
This is a fork of Taskplay, an unmaintained program that adds media control buttons to the taskbar. My enhancements include utilizing Windows 10 Runtime APIs for a dynamic, content-aware experience.
This project honed my skills in maintaining unmerged code, rebasing legacy code to newer versions, and using Git for version control.
Text File Journaling System
This was a utility developed for CSIT 431 at Fredonia. It is designed to enable journaling for text files in a folder. This gave me experience in designing the structure of a program in a way where multiple people can be assigned different parts, software project management, and leading multiple people in one codebase.
This project utilized Python, Linux APIs and GTK3.
SCA Frontend
This one has an interactive demo!
This is a webpage developed to be a basic frontend for "SCA", a C++ source code analysis program made for detecting issues that do not throw compiler errors.
This project utilized Bootstrap and AWS for hosting.
openpilot Car Port Fork
I maintained the code for a car port of openpilot that was used by multiple Honda Clarity owners. This work was eventually merged into sunnypilot, a fork of openpilot with hundreds of users.
This helped me gain experience with maintaining unmerged code overtime, rebasing previously written code to new versions, and git.